casual look

this post is pointless but its just a thought.

so ever since school started 4 weeks ago ive been stressing myself about what outfit imma wear the next day. even when im at school, im constantly stressing whether i look good or not.

and last school year i didnt really have a lot of clothes so i didnt really care how i looked. but this year ive been so caught up on trying to look good especially because of guys that i feel a bit pressured to look a certain way.

but idk rn i was stressing myself again about what i was gonna wear tomorrow and i found this casual black tshirt i haven't worn in a while.

i put it on and it was so weird because it was so... me.

i "broke up" with a guy i had been talking to and before him i had a boyfriend (long story) but i guess now that im single i feel like i can be myself.

im sorry if im doing a bad job at explaining but the casual look I'll be wearing tomorrow reminds me so much of the me that didnt give a shit.

and honestly im looking forward to hopefully really being myself tomorrow (: