Would there be a polite way to back out of a baby shower?

Ladies I need advice. Originally I wasn’t expecting a shower or party since this is baby #2. (Even though we are expecting different gender from first child so we will need to get some different things) We had a friend who was so excited and said please let me throw one. She enlisted our other friend to co throw the shower and the other friend is not showing signs of wanting to do this. The other friend wanted to combine the baby shower with our other friends wedding shower (their wedding is in January). We said okay to that and now instead of September/October like we all talked about, Today the second friend texted me and the bride to be that she can only do late October or early November due to work schedules. The bride to be wants to have the shower November 3rd because she can’t do the later October dates due to work (both of them work weekend shifts in hospitals). I told them both I was worried about the date being so close to due date (especially since I delivered early last time) and that’s 10 days before due date. I’d kind of like to be done prepping by that point.

The original friend who was super excited hasn’t said anything yet and seeming like she’s not really having an opinion lately but the second friend is telling our other friends I’m being too worried and just do it on that November 3rd date and doesn’t think it’ll be an issue since I only delivered my daughter 5 days early last time. She’s saying it’ll be more of a hassle to have two separate parties to throw since their wedding is less than 2 months after my due date. I haven’t responded to her yet.

I’m kind of feeling like it’s just a burden on her based on her conversations so part of me just wants to back out and my first friend isn’t as involved or acting as excited as she originally was and it seems like it’s falling on the second friend to plan. I just don’t know how I could gracefully back out without causing drama. On the other hand, I don’t want to be ungrateful but it’s kind of stressing me out to wait so late for a shower so I’m also thinking maybe option #2 is just go get the stuff I need for our son and then let them hold the party when they want and if we can’t make it then we can’t and if we can then I worried for nothing. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the long post