Should I send this?

My boyfriend of eight years ghosted me after a fight about something making me upset involving another girl. It’s been a month and after two weeks I texted him saying if he doesn’t want to work on this then leave and he said that he didn’t say he didn’t want a future with me but then started ignoring me again. I thought about texting him this

“You know that was me saying that if we’re not going to start to work on things then we shouldn’t be together cause I’m not doing things half ass. I don’t want the person that I am with to consider a relationship with me as draining. I want them to be so in love with me that the know no matter what we go through nothing is worth losing a future with me and giving that to someone else and want to experience the ups and downs with me. I’m done getting ignored. I didn’t do anything to get ignored for this long. If you’re not that in love with me and you’re still considering that we shouldn’t be together then it’s really just best you leave.”

Good idea or bad idea