Please help! So confused!

💩 • RN 🍦GA Peach 🍑 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🌈👶🏻💕🤰🏻#2

Ok.. first of all, I have a serious POAS addiction. Please save the lecture... I know I need help. With that being said, I’ve had a few wonky indents and super squinters but no real lines yet as of 11 dpo. Something overcame me tonight and I couldn’t fight the urge so I peed on a Walmart test.

This line came up.

I’ve had a LOT of indents/evaps/just plain wrong results on these but this one looked pink. I flipped out so I opened up a new box of FRERs and something was really different about them. The line placement and coloring didn’t look right. In fact the whole result window looks blurry?? damn line in sight. I thought it was one wonky one but they all appear to be this way from that lot. I didn’t know what to trust so I took another Walmart test....and another.

What’s going on?????😖😖😖😖