Have you ever felt so disrespected by your husband that you just start to lose interest?

My husband and I have a long history and our beginnings were shady. We met at 16 and 17. When we were 19 and 20 we finally got our act together and it’s been smooth sailing since.
When my husband was 19 he was snapchating other females behind my back. And he talked to so many females that he hid from me. When I married him I knew what I was getting myself into, but I was over the past because we had matured. 
A few months ago he was messaging a girl on Snapchat that I went to school with. She isn’t exactly someone you’d want your husband to be talking to, and I was alarmed when I saw that he sent her a heart. We had a discussion and I let him know that it bothered me, only for him to be messaging her again 2 hours later. *sigh* it took me getting mad at him for him to delete her. 
Then just today someone that he used to talk to behind my back liked something I tagged him in. I asked why he was her friend and he said, “she was in my suggested friends so I added her” and then  he told me he wanted to see if he knew her baby daddy. Why would he care who some girls baby daddy is that he hasn’t talked to in 4 years?
I’m BEYOND frustrated and tired of the constant disrespect. I feel bad when I even mention a good friend from work who’s a guy. Tonight I lay in bed while he’s in the living room and I’m praying he doesn’t come to bed until I’m asleep because I’m genuinely just so tired of him..  I’m tired of me telling him something bothers me and him only being sorry until I’m over it. 
I don’t want to be a crazy psycho wife for the rest of my life....