Freaking out, possible downs or heart defect😥😔

So I recently got my morphology scan where they measured my baby's nuchal fold and it measured at 5.7mm at 19 weeks and 2 days.

I then went to see my OB where he told me it is on the high end and it might be worth doing an NIPT test to test for downs.

And said he is more worried it is a heart defect and I have to get a echo cardiogram at 24 weeks.

I am 20 years old, my partner and I are healthy and young, out baby's nasal bone was seen from when they first tried looking for it which is a good sign and at the 12 week scan (which tests for downs and other trisomies) babys nuchal fold was only 2.3mm (which was normal) and it came back as low risk.

I'm freaking out, if baby does have downs we would want to keep him but I am so emotional and can't sleep and just feel like crying all the time.

I want my baby to be healthy as I've seen what mental disabilities can do to families and how hard they are to 1. Live with for the person who has it and 2. How hard to bring up someone who has one.

Should I be worried? Baby had no other signs of chromosomal abnormalities apart from a thicker neck which I've read can mean baby is going to be bigger and I shouldn't worry.

Is this a definite indicator of chromosomal problems ??

Has anyone got similar stories ?

I'm just so worried and stressed.