Sitting here in labour... read description..

As I sit here in hospital, in labour, waiting for my mom to arrive I decided to post this to keep my mind off the contractions (they're not really that bad right now)

I've never heard of this on this app so I thought I'd post...

I'm in labour right now and I've been informed that I'm really not that far off giving birth...

My mom was on a trip and had to cut it short and drive back because this was so unexpected...

I'm due Sunday so I guess it wasnt that much of a surprise however...

I never lost my mucus plug, waters never broke.. theyve tried to break my waters for me but it's too stubborn and I may have to give birth with baby in her sac...

Theyve told me this happens more than you think!

Has this ever happened to you?

I only found out I was in labour from the heavy feeling and contractions. I went in just to see what's up and ask if everything was alright. Found out I'm in labour and called my mom. My partner is down the hall right now at the cafe getting me a drink.

Has this ever happened to you?

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