PMS or not?! Venting and a question ..


I have been feeling really good since my last period (which is a feat in and of itself due to my Endometrosis) .. we BD’d our hearts out when we were supposed to, I got a positive ovulation, I tracked everything.. I had ewcm, tracked temp, OPKs.. anyway.. was feeling super hopeful!

This morning I woke up to a little bit of spotting.. I usually spot the week before my period and it “feels” like my period will start minus a few other indicators I usually get like moody and sore breasts.. I don’t have either of those.. just the spotting. So.. I am 5-6 dpo so I suppose it could be implantation bleeding? But also 10 days out from my period which isn’t consistent on time frame so .. fingers crossed. My sweet boyfriend is so supportive and today said “this seems like such an emotional rollercoaster.” I guess I didn’t really consider how it might affect him too. I let him know early on that it could be a struggle as my doctors have all mentioned it might be over the years with my endo issues, but sheesh! Fingers crossed. Waiting until Sunday to test if AF doesn’t rear her ugly face before then.

Does implantation bleeding usually come as spotting or can it be confused with AF flow?