37 weeks pregnant

I am 37 wks. and only about 1 cm dilated.. does anyone know of any ways to help the progress go a little faster?? This is my first child so i don't know what to expect! Thanks

*Been having contractions sins 30 weeks pregnant but they have not changed anything 😏

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Posted at
You aren’t full term for another week. That baby needs to stay put as long as possible and will come when it is ready.


Ashley • Sep 6, 2018
They have recently changed it to 38 weeks. When I had my son 2 years ago it was 36 weeks but in the last year they’ve adjusted it


Krystin • Sep 6, 2018
36 is considered full term. My baby was born at 37 weeks.


Posted at
I was 3cm at 36 ! I had my son at 37 . I did TONS of walking . I danced and did exercises lol . Ate alot of spicy foods ... but if babies not ready , they wont come .