Had to vent

Haley • 🤰🏼Momma to Halen

Please understand that when you are complaining about your morning sickness, that I want that. Please understand that when you are complaining about your weight gain, that I want that. Please understand that when you are complaining about “being pregnant”, that I miss that. I unfortunately didn’t get to experience too many of the pregnancy symptoms, but I promise you nothing is as bad as having to live with the fact that your child is gone. I find myself living every day, looking and praying to find a rainbow in the sky. Why? Because it gives me hope. It makes me think that this is our baby, saying “hi daddy and mommy”. It makes me think that one day soon, we will have our Rainbow Baby. So please. Before you start complaining about being pregnant, just remember that there is a lot of us that would do anything to have our babies back.