Is my baby ready to come out? Would it be unsafe to naturally induce?

Okay so I am only 36 weeks but I think my baby and body are ready. Now I lost my mucus plug about a week ago, then a couple days later my bloody show. I started having stronger Braxton-Hicks that got closer together. Then I started spotting. I got checked and my cervix was very soft and thinned. I have lot of back pain and a lot of cramps. I’m cramping now and Braxton-Hicks now have period like cramps with them. Not too bad tho. My baby’s fully engaged. My back hurts so bad. My hips and pelvis bone feel broken, I can barely walk. I’m constantly sick. Very tired but have major insomnia. And I either poop ten times a day or I’m constipated for days. I feel like it’s time. Is it bad if I try and walk a lot to get her out? I’m so uncomfortable. I wouldn’t really do anything besides walk. Is it safe? I feel so selfish trying to get her out but she’s growing a week and two days ahead and I just have this feeling that’s she’s ready. What do you all think?