Implantation bleeding?


So I know y'all ain't doctors or baby whispers. But I need some help to try and determine if this is what I think it is.

My partner and I have been having unprotected sex, we aren't necessarily trying for a baby but if it happens we'll both be happy. My period is not due until the 12th of this month, since the 5th I've had slight pink/brown spotting. I've also been very dry and tight down there, not to sure if that has anything to do with this. This is the first time Ive ever had this happen. I've had some slight cramping as well but no where near as painful as my normal period cramps. Note It is very unusual to get my period early, and once I spot before my period I'm in heavy flow the very next day, I've had no flow as of yet. So what do you think? Implantation bleeding?

Thanks xx