To call, or suffer through


I'm 31+3, I'm having issues when I eat. Nausea (normal I know) but also pain in my stomach and upper back. It's worse after the first time I eat in the morning but also happens when I eat throughout the day. Also at times it makes me feel super tired. Today was the worst it's been, taking my breath away. It peaks within about 30 -45 mins. After eAting, then slowly gets better. I do have bad heartburn even not pregnant , but I'm on prilosec,and not experiencing any of my typical heartburn symptoms like bloating , burning in chest. I HATE to bother the doctor, but I'm barely able to breath through it now without crying ,just worried if It gets worse.

Update: doctor took like 6 vials of blood to check kidneys, liver , pancreas, blood sugar...the works. My white blood cells have been really.high so they are rechecking that too. Probably won't know anything until Wednesdays appointments, but was told if It gets worse to go to the er.