period or early pregnancy symptom


on august 25,26,27 i had pink brown spotting and on this app it says i missed my period so it can be i’m pregnant or ovulation spotting. i’ve also took a test and it was negative but been feeling so nauseous and throwing up every day. now i don’t like certain foods i loved before and throw up right after. i have had bad pelvic pain near vagina and little cramps here and there. backaches and tons tons of bloating were i can’t button up my shorts anymore and wear yoga pants all day . i weigh 116 but i don’t feel like i weigh that at all i feel so bloated and like i gained tons when i’m working out every day also. i also have been very wet down there and not have had a dry day in forever! i also see white discharge here and there too. so do you think i’m pregnant or is this just my period still and will it be coming soon? should i retest again next week? i don’t want to go crazy over this and i don’t want stress. i’m trying to get pregnant again so gavin sex every other day and around ovulation but it’s hard to tell when ovulation is cuz i’m never dry anymore so please help me with this if any of you had this before thanks