Long period on mini pill.


Hi, I hope someone can answer this because I’m super stressed...

For years I have been on the combined pill, but had to come off of it due this pill making my blood pressure super high and having terrible migraines, however my periods were lighter than before I was on this pill (I was on this pill for my periods not for conception). I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms and she changed my pill to the MINI PILL.

I am now on my third pack of mini pill’s, so I’m entering my third month. But for 18 days I’ve been having a period, it’s making me super stressed and worried. Why am I on my period for this long? It’s not that heavy but enough for a 1 tampon a day, and the blood is very dark brown/red. Apologies if that’s TMI !

I went to my GP and she said it’s normal and should settle down after my third month. But has anyone else has a super long bleed? My emotions are all over the place, I feel like crying then I wanna knock someone out, next I’m super happy and I can’t keep up.

How much longer will I bleed for? Please someone get back to me so I can put my mind at ease, I feel like I’m going fucking crazy x