
Let me start off by saying I fully believe in spanking. So if you disagree don’t even comment. Anyways .. I have a 3 yr son and a 1 and 1/2 daughter. I’m the parent. There is no dad figure. My son has been acting out lately really bad. He back talks, hits, throws things, hits his sister and pushes her down, and says bad words. Well if you’re the sole parent then why is he acting like this?? He stopped seeing his father in June. There’s been no contact since and before that it was literally once in a blue moon.

I spank his butt, he gets put in time out, toys taken away, and no tv time. I’m seriously at a loss, because nothing is changing 😞

He’s also a high functioning, low level autistic child. He’s very smart but he’s just not listening.

I’m just looking for advice. Thanks