Postpartum depression before giving birth

Is it possible to get postpartum depression before giving birth? I definitely feel like it... I’m set to be induced on Wednesday & have had 0 support from my husband the last couple of months. I’m scared to give birth because I already know it’s going to get worse. I don’t know how I’m supposed to take care of a baby when I’m struggling to care for myself right now. I’m so broken inside but I can’t even express that because everything I do or feel is a problem for my husband. The worst part is, we WANTED this baby. We tried for 6 months to get pregnant & would get really sad everytime my period came, him more than me. When it finally happened he was over the moon, loving, caring, attentive, supportive....the “ideal husband” you see in movies & get jealous about the way he cares for his wife. Then, about 3-4 months in it was like a switch that turned off. He is so disrespectful towards me that I don’t even want to be around him anymore. I’ve been sleeping in the guest bedroom for a couple of weeks now just so I don’t have to be around him. Even with my baby in my stomach I feel soooo alone 💔 I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t even want him at the birth, I honestly just want to have my baby alone by myself... I was so excited when my doctor gave me my date to be induced I FaceTimed him before I even left the hospital thinking he would share in my excitement....boy was I wrong. I feel like he robbed me of my excitement with his indifference, immediately my whole mood changed. Giving birth & meeting my baby is supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life...I don’t want him to rob me of that too. I’ve done everything else by myself anyway, I bought everything the baby needs, set up the room, even built the crib, stroller, rock n play & everything else myself. I just don’t see why I would need him at the birth, I feel like he’s just going to ruin that special moment for me...& only contribute to me developing postpartum depression for sure.

Sorry for the long post, I don’t have anyone to vent to 😔