Might be pregnant, might be crazy! Lol


So the past week and a half I've been experiencing cramping, back pains, nausea, constipation one day, diarrhea the next. Today has been horrible on the cramping feeling, I'm talking about sharp, stabbing pain in my pelvic/hip bone area. The last 2 times I've been pregnant(I ended miscarrying both times) I had these pains, so of course that thought of maybe I'm pregnant comes through my head but I know I can't be. The last time my husband and I had sex was June 28th, so I'd be like 12 weeks along if I was. I had a period at the end july( it was king of light and short though). August I had none. I'm currently like 14 days late on my period. I took 2 tests this past week and they're negative( Grant I know it could be the hook effect, basically where hcgs are to high or something to register or something, but I doubt it.) I just don't know what's going on. I have my normal check up with my gyno but that isn't til November, I'm thinking I'm gonna call and see if I can get in sooner. Has anyone ever had something like this.