Is it too late?

Rosie • 💍 to my very best friend. 7yo👦🏽 15months🌈🧒🏻

Im 21+2 and im thinking about switching my ob...when i had my son 5.5yrs ago i went to the same office but there were 3 or 4 theres only 1 doc there that delivers babies and im super nervous that i ll have to have some rando deliver my doc has a HUGE practice...probably the biggest in the county...i asked the nurse about it before and she said he schedules surgerys on mondays and wednesdays...soooo what if the baby wants to come on a monday or wednesday?!!! Last time i had a visit he did a pap smear and was literally in my room for 30 seconds...i couldnt even ask any questions...i just feel like......what if i dont get the attention i feel i need/deserve? I need opinions mamas