Last 24

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016

This is my last full 24 hours of being pregnant and it is so emotional because I have just been a so miserable right now writing this I am in complete misery so much that there's no room for the excitement of my baby girl arriving tomorrow but I know when I see her face I will forget about these past 9 months and I just need to be thankful and grateful that I'm having a healthy baby tomorrow... I am also getting my tubes tied pregnancy is not for me it just complicated my whole entire life... like it to the point where it was hard to be happy that I'm bringing a life that I wanted into this world ...I'm just not 1 of those people that can mentally handle it and I'm OK with that this is my 2nd and my last and it is OK... I just want to be able to bond with my baby pray I don't have any post partum depression and move on and try to be happy... it's so hard to get out of this misery right now I've been depressed and anxious for the past few months and there's finally the light at the end of the tunnel and all I can do is cry because I am happy that it's over... it's just really hard to show the happiness so it comes out in tears so I'm sure I'll be crying and all today all tonight and all tomorrow untill I get in to that operating room and when people ask me why I'm crying I am so gonna tell the truth ...I'm gonna let them know I'm so happy it's over I'm so happy I get to meet my child