No GD as expected.

Zehra • 👩‍👦 Mom to two wonderful little boys who are my everything. Baby #2 born Jan 2019 at 33 weeks.

I failed the A1C test, and I told them it wasn’t accurate since I have another health issue that elevates my A1C levels beyond their threshold. I said I do not have GD. They opted for a 1 hour test. I failed that (by 2 points) because I was drinking a shake before they sprung it on me that I had to do this test immediately. I still maintained that I did not have GD. So they did the 3 hour test. No follow up from the clinic until I tracked them down and basically shamed them into responding to me. The verdict? “Oh you don’t have it. Yeah, you’re clear!” 🤦🏻‍♀️