So I’ve just recently found out about this...


I didn’t know this before and I thought it would be nice to share this for some dog owners to be able to save money (and their furry friend from gross smelling discomfort!)

My 3 month Lhasa Apso puppy has been farting DEATHLY farts non-stop, I figured she was just gassy but this continued for a few days which isn’t normal.

After googling it I discovered it might be from her anal glands, I researched about puppy anal glands and found out you CAN in fact express them at home for free and quickly, so I watched a few videos on how to express a dogs anal glands and made sure it was 100% safe.

I woke up at 4 am because of a horrible smell and decided enough was enough, so I took my puppy to the bathroom sink and grabbed some organic baby wipes and proceeded to do exactly what I saw in the video!

To my surprise disgusting thick creamy liquid squirted out all over the mirror and it smelled AWFUL.

My puppy smells like baby wipes now and has stopped liking and scooting her butt, I can now be in the same room as her without wanting to vomit! Yay!