My cousin says that my brother raped her!

Hi ladies. Please help me to understand this. So i am 29 years old. My cousin (the alleged raped victim) is 27 and my brother )(alleged rapist is 36 years old. When my brother was about 14 which it probably makes my cousin around 5 or 6 she says that my brother raped her. She says that he raped her in our parents house while she was asleep and that he gave her a snickers after the rape and told her not to say anything.her step sister told my uncle and her step mother and they came to our house trying to attack my brother. My mom was so angry that she beat him with a stick. My brother kept saying that he didn't do it and after he went to jail they examined him and my cousin and found put that she was a virgin and that my brother still was too! From what I can remember it was a lie made up that the step sister told my cousin to say because my brother didn't like the girl and she felt humiliated being rejected by him. Fast forward to now. I was texting my cousin tonight since she's been posting a lot of depressing things so I made a statement to her about something else and we ended up on this topic of rape. She still believes that my brother did this. She also says that my brother uses 3 different fake facebook accounts and sent her pictures of his penis and she told him "what she needed to tell him". So my question is what do you all think? Do you think that it's possible that he really did do this? How can it be proven if the doctors are saying that she wasn't penetrated???? Her hymen was never broken is what the doctors said. But she says that she was raped. How can one be raped without any form of penetration? Help me to understand...😖 UPDATE: so I found out that my cousin was the one lying. My grandmother my 3 aunts my uncle (my cousins dad) and my mother all say that after the so called rape, the family took her to the doctor to be examined and they found out that she was still a virgin. She had not been tampered with and my brother admitted that he touched her but not raped her. He said that he was 11 and was trying to see what a vagina was because he saw my uncle being intimate with a woman and wanted to follow him. He says that to this very day he regret ever touching her especially since it's caused so many family problems. And also because although he didn't raped her he left her angry abd he fault himself. He apologized to her over the internet and he wants to apologize to her again when she feels safe and open to allow him. But now I'm mad. So how can I not be upset about what he did as a child and how can i stop being mad with her because she's slandering all our family name saying we're all the reason for her unhappiness???