Natalie • Midwife. 29. Mama to Clea 👧🏼❤️ & Freddie 👶🏼❤️ Wife to Elliott 👰🏼❤️

Here’s some of Fletcher’s achievements to date... He is currently weighing 12lbs2oz, just over 4lbs over his birth weight 😱 and sitting on the 98th centile. He is totally out of all newborn and 1 month clothing and his 0-3 stuff is snug. He is so so close to proper smiling and is awake a lot more in the day now. He loves being swaddled and settles really well but sweats like crazy because of the heat sometimes. Trust me to have one summer baby who hated being swaddled (Clea) and another summer baby who loves it (Fletcher)🤦🏼‍♀️ He has lost all the hair on the top and sides of his head but has a nice little mop at the back. Looks cool 😎! He still has a nice little bit of baby acne and is now making lots of different noises which are so cute... well except the crying noise, that one not so much 😬