Follicular study.... and duphaston...??? When to BD


Follicle ruptured today on CD 11 ,(after taking letrozole 5mg from CD 3 )

size was 31*25 mm on CD 10,(right ovary)

Endometrial thickness is 8.7mm today(CD11)

BD twice yesterday before the rupture... and once today ...

I have undergone HSG test on CD 8 , one left tube is completely blocked😢

Right is OK ... now confused when to start taking DUPHASTON 10 mg tablets as my gyno suggested from CD 16 .... but follicle ruptured today .... can’t take a appointment with her as she is on leave.... please help ....

I’m a thyroid and pcod patient also .... please pray for me.... badly need your prayers and support.... have lost all hopes.... life seems to be meaningless....