What should I do?

I posted this in another group and got no responses.

Please tell me what to do. I’m 22 days late for my period. I have 35-42 day cycles on average. I’ve had 3 previous miscarriages ranging in how far along I was.

These are my symptoms the past few weeks:

Enlarged nipples (not Areola)

Red and sore nipples

Swollen tender breasts

Extremely heavy watery discharge (I have to change my underwear 2-3 times a day and it feels like I pee myself.)

Heavy feeling in my lower pelvic region

High and tender cervix (closed and soft)

Occasional nausea

Extreme headaches


And an insatiable hunger for pickles. Like I cry if I can’t have them.

I have taken MANY pregnancy tests over the last month and I have had some of what I would call faint positives but then negatives. I don’t know what to do. I’m waiting for the doctors to call me back.