

First time poster here lol!!

I bought a digital ovulation predictor the one that has a circle, flashes a smile or gives you a solid smile. My question is this:

I had an IUD for five years I took it out August 16th and had little to no bleeding from the removal. My husband and I were active right from the day it got removed and still are. I got what I considered to be my first period August 30 I think it lasted a few days. According to the calendar from this app I ovulated two days ago but when I have tested with the kit it has had a flashing smile face at all times of the day for the last three days?! According to the chart on here I have a low chance of conceiving but the test shows I haven’t ovulated yet?

I’ve read on this forum that sometimes not all the time when you remove and IUD you can be extremely fertile right away. So I guess I’m wondering is my cycle off? Or am I already pregnant and the ovulation year is coming back smile face because it detects pregnancy hormone? Or do I keep tearing and see if the smile face goes solid? Of goes to just a circle? Sorry I’m confused lol!