I’m about to start telling people they aren’t welcome

The next person who tries to tell me how I need to do things is getting told they aren’t welcome when the baby comes. I’m almost 9 weeks I haven’t even made it out of the first trimester and people are already telling me what to do. My dad thought it was his business and his day and that my pregnancy needed to be told to everyone who was family. No that’s not what I wanted. I was talking to my husband about announcing on Facebook and she tried to tell him no it was to early and we didn’t need to then tagged me in pregnancy pillows before we got the chance to announce it! And my mom just tried to tell me I am going to get an epidural as soon as I could that I didn’t need to wait and if I didn’t get it it could hurt the baby also. I told her I was going as long as possible without it and if I didn’t feel like I needed it Im not getting it at all and she straight up said ummm no you are getting it as soon as you can. Like wtf. This isn’t anyone else’s baby but mine (and my husbands but he’s not the one that’s going to labor it. Lol) it’s my body and my pregnancy. The next person who tries to boss me around about MY pregnancy and what I need to do will NOT be welcome when the baby gets here. I might be being harsh but damn I’m sick of it.