Divorcing My sorry excuse of a husband/best friend


So, I’ve posted on here before about my husband sending and receiving phot messages from multiple ladies and stating how he’s treated me after we made our marriage official...... which wasn’t long ago.

Well 2 days after my birthday (August 1st) I decided to leave......

He didn’t want to spend time with me on my birthday, he didn’t want to spend time with me PERIOD. He had stopped talking to me, wouldn’t look at me, would not sleep in the same room as me..... i tried to work it out with him but he didn’t try to work things out because he, quite frankly, didn’t want it to work out.....

He blames me for everything that ever went wrong, while he had taken the glory for everything that had gone right. He would constantly, everyday, tell me that I was ugly and fat and that I need to go to the gym or change my hair style and wear makeup everyday.... he grabbed me once...... he claims he hates me but won’t give me a clear reason..... he wouldn’t let me get my own job... he wouldn’t let me go to see my own parents... I had to check in with him everywhere I went..... he would tell me not to spend any money, then when he would get home, we had no money cause HE spent it all..... he left me with no money multiple times when I still had to pay the bills AND feed his daughter.....he would get so mad if I had left even ONE bowl in the sink once he got home from working on the towboat.... he threatened to kill my sweet fur baby Sage because she growled at a the puppy he had in his lap (she is used to being the only dog in the house)..... he took my car and I can’t get back because it’s in his grandparents name still.... he even has his grandparents fighting his battles for him by trying to post shit on my Facebook for all to see...... and I know what y’all are gonna say “but you are posting it on here too! What’s the big deal?” Well, y’all don’t know me and my husband personally and quite frankly I need SOMEONE to vent to.....

But anyways, I left and took the tv and the couch and all my stuff, he claimed that we could have split everything equally..... HA, OK!...... well, he took my two guns, my 308 and my 40... and he sold them. So it’s only fair if I take the tv and couch that my sister gave ME....

Anyways, I am done with his toxic, narcissist self and it took a lot to leave him.... and it still doesn’t make sense to me how such a horrible person can be on top of the world during this like he is but I am at an all time low point in my life...

I’ve hit rock bottom, all because I basically gave everything up for him..... well, NO MORE... I’m searching for a job, and I will walk to it if I have to, but I WILL bring myself back up without him.

Thank y’all for letting me vent 😘 I soooo needed to get that off my chest.

#nofriends #nolife #buildingabetterme