“Friends” abandoning you


LO is 10 weeks now. My “best friends” - who I’ve known for 10+ years have seen her twice. Both times I initiated that meet up. Neither of them have children so I get that LO is probably a bit boring to them but seriously?! They don’t ask about her or suggest meeting up. On the one occasion we went out for coffee they asked “are you bringing LO too?” Well duh.... of course I’m bringing her.

I feel a bit hurt and disappointed in their reaction. I’m currently conducting an experiment in our group chat. I haven’t sent a message in three days (would normally talk every day). Unsurprisingly neither of them have started a conversation....

Is it time to cut my losses? They were bridesmaids at my wedding and it would break my heart; but what else am I supposed to do? I have other groups of friends but these relationships were different you know, we’ve grown up together and know everything about each other... 😩