How should I react? (Long rant but please read)

My husband and I woke up at 3.30am this morning to make a day trip to Munich. On the way back by 5pm he was talking about what he wants for dinner. I told him we’ll have to stop by the supermarket and he said he can’t because his phone has been dead all day and he needs to get home ASAP to charge it. I said I can’t go to the shop on my own because I’m too tired. He said it’s fine that we can get Home first, and go back an hour after. I agreed because I was so tired (FYI I’m 25 weeks pregnant). He didn’t say anything but I didn’t notice because I was trying to stay awake on the bus. A few minutes later, he told me I was being selfish. I was surprised not because he called me selfish because he says I am all the time but because in this situation, I didn’t think I was. He said I’m being selfish because I know he has to get home to check his emails and the ideal thing would be for him to go home and I’ll buy the things HE wants for dinner. I didn’t say anything then because I had no strength but when we got down at our stop, I went to the supermarket just to avoid a fight. He followed me silently and when I picked up the prawns he asked for, he said I don’t need to because I’ll be cooking for myself. I don’t know why but I just started crying and nearly threw a tantrum. He kept saying that as I still continued picking up fried rice ingredients. I walked behind him and cried all the way home. Probably pregnancy hormones caused me to cry but what do I do now because were at home just awkwardly silent and knowing him , this can go on till Sunday or Monday. How can I handle this please ?! Was I being selfish ? What would you say to him in this situation ?

*Thank you all for your comments. I’m seeing them all but too embarrassed to comment. He really is immature but I love him so much for some reason. I didn’t cook dinner because I was still crying in the room and i noticed he had cooked dinner for only himself and even when I’m angry, I always cook for him and I’m starving 🤷🏽‍♀️