We don’t know if we want kids

My partner and I are still very young. Me 24 him 27, were very happy and still in the early years of being in a relationship.

Before this relationship, I never thought much about becoming a mom, I come from a large family with lots of babies and I really enjoy it but I was happy to leave home and seek a life of my own before having kids. Naturally, after almost two years of being in a happy relationship, I’m starting to get the sense I would love to be a mother. NOT SOON, but one day...maybe.

I love kids, I am good with kids, but right now I know I’m not ready, sometimes I think maybe I shouldn’t have kids and I will become firm in the decision to not have kids... but lately, my boyfriend has made a few comments like “this is why I don’t think I want kids” while seeing a child act out in public or “if you think this is hard, think about how much harder a kid would be” or “if you can’t handle this, how could you handle a kid”.

His points are ALL valid, parenting is HARD. But when he says stuff like that, I feel like I’m taking a stab to the gut and I feel guilty for even thinking about wanting to have a baby someday. I’m not sure exactly where he stands with kids, he’s mentioned he’s not sure if he could/want a kid but the Other day he excitingly told me a name that he would like for a son if he had one.

We’re obviously too young to really sit down in our relationship and decide whether or not we will have a kid. But sometimes I fear we will spend years together and then down the road this is what will separate us.

Anyone else know the feels of feeling unsure about having a child? I’m not sure if I’m suppressing my dreams of being a mom for the guy I’m with or if I want to be a mom because that’s what all the women have done in my family and that’s what I feel I should be doing? Ugh idkkkk. Never thought I’d be thinking about this stuff..