Sexual assault guilt

Last night I was assaulted by my SO. Yes I had been drinking(victim guilt) No I did not scream (victim guilt) But I did try to kick and push him away. I did repeatedly say no and told him to stop. Afterwords he tried to make me feel like I was overreacting, he apologized, then went back to denying he did anything at all. I havent involved the police yet because I have serious conflicts internally; being afraid of turning him in, fearing my story won't be believed, and strangely enough not wanting him to get on trouble. Repeating my story is hard enough even when it's to myself in my mind. So going into a station with predominant Male presence is beyond daunting. It feels damn near impossible. Honestly I'm terrified. Terrified that if I do nothing this will happen again to someone who crosses his path and that this will eat me alive if I say nothing. Terrified that if I do something I'll have to fight because my life depends on it. If theres anyone out there that has any steps to take to make the coming forward process less scary any advice at all helps.

Update: I've gone to the police and gave my statement to a deputy. I'm now waiting to hear back from the SAU to give a statement to the detective who will be handling my case. I've been out of school because I havent been sleeping and anxiety keeps me up and I've had nightmares every damn night. I hope to hear from them soon.