Postpartum Anxiety

Hello ladies 👋🏻

I was curious,

I’m 7 months postpartum and I’ve been dealing with extreme anger since day 1.

Could this be postpartum anxiety/depression?

No one usually talks about these sort of things, and I know it’s embarrassing for me to admit so ladies please don’t judge me or tell me to stay away from my baby. In all of this anger I have never once hurt her, I always lay her down and walk away for 5 minutes so I can get a grip.

I’m not usually an angry person. But just about everything will set me off, especially my daughter crying when I know she’s fed, warm, dry and not hurt.

I feel like such a terrible mother for being mad at her for just crying, I know she’s doing it to communicate with me.

I yell at my husband, I yell at my cats, I just feel so frustrated because I’m losing myself in this anger.

I can’t sleep, my appetite has been affected, I’m mad I can’t lose anymore baby weight. I’m mad that I’m fat, I’m mad my daughter is so clingy, I’m mad I can’t breastfeed her anymore because my milk stopped, I’m mad my house is dirty and I can’t clean it because she takes my constant attention.

I’m mad my husband is deployed...

See a trend here? I’m always mad...

I don’t know what to do.

I want to stop being mad and upset all the time.

I’m scared to mention it to my doctor, I don’t want her to think I’m abusing my baby and take her away.

I swear I would never hurt her.

Has anyone else had any anger problems postpartum ?

I’m posting anonymously because I don’t trust people not to judge me and say hurtful things...