
I’m 10 wks. and 3 days as of today, and I just been experiencing spotting but it’s like dark red like when right after it’s starting to go off... 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ but then again I didn’t start experiencing this until that Wednesday evening after work (I work for UPS, and I was doing this before I found out I was pregnant in the first place, so don’t judge me...😡😡😡😡😡) but I typically have to lift between 30-60 lbs packages but I also BEEN MADE AWARE my supervisors that I’m pregnant but that didn’t seem to make much difference bc they would INTENTIONALLY put me in a trailer by myself with heavy packages ON PURPOSE!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 my HGC levels right now are 31065 and I still feel a heartbeat when I feel for it with my fingers. My back does ache a lot but it don’t really seem like that much more than what I been experiencing since before my pregnancy bc I had and epidural with my last 3 and I ALREADY BEEN had problems with back pains anyways... my thing is should I worry bc of the spotting I’m still having? I’m suppose to go back to the doctor today (Sunday) to check my HCG levels and make sure they are still high bc the doctor in the emergency room when I went on the 13th (Thursday) told me that if my HGC levels was still high then I’m not losing the baby but if they dropped below 31000 then I was losing it and I DON’T want to lose it especially after getting this far along but I do kinda blame my OB (he’s an African doctor, no offense but my last doctor that I had when I was pregnant with my daughter was an African too and he was RUDE ASL ALSO!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬) I had brought a form from work called a essential job function sheet but my doctor said it was too early to sign it and he had to wait until my blood work or something like that came back and I’m thinking to myself “HOW TF IS IT TOO EARLY!!! THIS IS ACTUALLY THE PERFECT TIME TO FILL OUT THIS PAPER OTHERWISE THEY ARE GONNA CONTINUE TO KEEP ME ON REGULAR DUTY BITCH!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬” ( I’m mad in my head so don’t worry I didn’t say this out loud although I wanted to SO BADLY!!! 😂😂😂😂😂) now I feel like if he had signed it when I went to my first prenatal visit I probably wouldn’t have been going through this in the first place... question is should I worry until I go back to see the doctor to have my HGC levels or do y’all think that maybe I’m just worrying about nothing and the baby is ok?

It’s dried up but still this is how it looked when I wiped that day...

BTW if you have any rude or judgmental ass comments to say I recommend you keep them to yourself OR RISKED GETTING BLOCKED!!! I only want positive vibe and constructive criticism that HELPS... NOT JUDGES OR BASHES ANYONE!!!