My best friend outed me.

She came out to one of our friends and the friend asks, "really, who all knows?" Then my friend proceeds to list off all the people she's told; her mom, our other friend, and finally me, where she says "(my name) is pan too!" I'm just sitting across from her, (I've already known about her being bi for months.) I was shocked. I was only out to her and I had politely asked months ago to not tell anyone because I wasn't ready yet. When she can out to me a little after she had said the same and I respected that and told no one. I know she didn't forget either because I repeated that I wasn't ready to come out yet literally the day before at her house. I can't believe she would do that to me. As soon as she finished her sentence I picked up my bag and left. The worst part of the whole thing is that our friend is a huge gossip and will probably tell everyone we know.