Sit your ass down

Sarah • 🤷🏼‍♀️💭

I work two jobs that put me at full time, and my boyfriend works full time as well. If I’m not tending to the dogs endless needs (she has very awful anxiety), I’m cleaning the house or litter boxes. Time together (alone and engaged) is seldom. When he comes home from work, he jumps on to play video games with his friends until almost midnight. Then he’s just tired and goes to bed.

Most nights I eat dinner alone, whether we are on different schedules or he just eats while he’s playing. I wasn’t having it tonight.

I got done making dinner and handed him a plate, then sat down to eat. He said “I’m gonna go play for a bit”

Internally, I was like

But I looked at him and said “after you sit down and eat dinner with me. You tried it though”

Like Jesus fuck is it so hard to consume your food sitting in peace with your girlfriend?