looking for help/tips

i’m a junior in high school and i’ve struggled with anxiety and bipolar depression for the past couple years, here lately it’s been awful though. i only leave my room for school, i’ve completely given up trying at school, and i no longer care about the way people see me/the way i present myself. i’ve been struggling with my appearance a lot lately, family problems, and school. i really just feel overwhelmed and that no one is here for me, i don’t have very many friends and the ones i do have are dealing with their own issues or i don’t think they’d understand. and i’m too scared to tell my parents. i really really want to tell them but i just don’t know how to tell the people, that gave me life, that i don’t want it anymore. i know people say life gets better but i know as people get older they still struggle and i don’t want to live life if it’s always gonna be like this. i just wanna know if there’s anything that you guys do that makes you have faith/ helps with your mindset.