He gave me an STD🤬

**backround info: I’ve been having really bad periods since, well since I first got my period at 14. I went to my doctors back in June since my periods started lasting for a lot longer than usual (like a whole month) & they made me take a urine test to test for pregnancy/STD’s; both came back negative.

So I’ve been with this guy for the past 7 months. Most of that time we had been having unprotected sex. Well recently I found out he had cheated on me about 3 weeks ago (according to him it never got past sexting and groping). I really like this guy so I decided that I was gonna work on fixing our issues and try to stay together. This past Friday I went back to the doctors office bc my period lasted for almost 2 months and I got sick of them not doing anything to help me. So they took some blood/urine samples to do more testing and set me up with an ultrasound appointment to see if I have endometriosis.

WELL I got a call today saying that my urine tested POSITIVE FOR CHLAMYDIA😤. I went to the clinic immediately and got my antibiotics so I’m okay now but I’m just SO PISSED OFF that he obviously lied about not having sex with this woman but also GAVE ME AN STD for crying out loud. I called him and started yelling at him & said that he needs to go get tested bc I’ve never been intimate with another person while him and I were together. Im honestly so upset right now bc he keeps denying that he had sex with her but test results DONT LIE. And to top it off he just moved so I can’t confront face to face. I honestly don’t know what to do & I just needed to rant about all of this 🙄🙄 show of hands if I should call the girl bc I feel like she should know that she got diseases 🤧