Update..This girl has herpes

Ugh I don't even know where to begin. Okay so my husband works at a restaurant he's been working there for a few years now this girl he works with wanted some advice about this guy but then just ended up spilling out she caught herpes from the guy working next door. Her story was he told me he had a rash and lot of bumps on his penis but I told him I didn't care and wanted him so bad. At the same time she has a boyfriend and always sleeps with the herpes guy before she goes home. So she obviously got tested and it was herpes. But my husband doesn't want her around him he tries to keep his distance. 1. They do delivery and she cut her finger and bled on the box but still delivered. 2. She was testing him today by touching things he touched and she got offended by my husband using germ x and she went to his face and started coughing on him on purpose. 3. She hasn't told the boss because she's says its not serious. He wants to quit so bad and I feel so bad for him because he actually makes good money but he said he wants to tell his boss what's going on with her. Should he just go tell his boss or let it be.

UpdATE! He knows he can't catch it unless he's doing something he's more pissed because he was drinking his water from a water bottle and she went and drank from his "because she was thirsty" he told me he feels like she's doing everything on purpose he told her off for coughing in his face and the water bottle incident. He doesn't want to quit but she's the one coming up to him crying everyday because she's still fucking the man next door and it's non of his business but we have 2 babies at home but this chick is seriously obsessed with my husband.