Boyfriend help please

My boyfriend has severe depression I’ve been trying to help him through the bad times but he’s trying to push me away and the things he’s saying he’s trying to get me upset because he wants to be more upset. He also has done drugs. I don’t agree with most of the ones he’s doing because they’re making him worse. He said he doesn’t feel loved by me but I show him I love him I tell him I don’t know what I’d do without him. My family members think he has some toxic traits but I just think he’s at very low point right now. He’s made me so incredibly happy but also so upset but that’s a relationship. I don’t want it to end but I’m going through my own mental health issues right now as well and maybe it’s from this I’m just so stressed and I know that sounds so bad but I’ve never had to really deal with it like this and I don’t know what to do because honestly ending it would only make him worse because I’m always there for him. The stuff he does say too triggers me from past mental health problems too. I love him I really do. If he does do something stupid I’m going to be devastated because he’s been here for me when I feel like no one else is. I’m so lost please offer any advice and please be nice. Thank you