In laws 😅😅😅


This is more of a rant than anything, but do anyone else’s in laws drive them crazy? My FIL and his wife are super overbearing... my little guy is four months but they have been bugging me about feeding him “real food” since he was TWO MONTHS OLD. Then whenever we go to their house which is at least once a week they act like they haven’t seen my son his entire life like I’m keeping him from them. They also act like kids saying “oh he likes me more because...” “no he likes me more” I don’t want me kid growing up thinking that’s normal behavior because ITS NOT!!! Then my FIL wife always complains that we don’t come over enough... even tho she has five other grandkids and she sees them all very often!!! THEN there’s my MIL... my husband is a very big mamas boy. He’s been through a lot with her... I get it. But she never says two words to me and my FIL says she says very mean things about me when I’m not around. She was never happy about the idea of us having a baby and she didn’t come to my baby shower or anything. NOW her family has started giving her crap about not seeing my son so when he was two months old they met for the first time. She obviously doesn’t care about my kiddo or she would have met him sooner. Now she messages my husband demanding saying “I need to see MY grandbaby” as if she even cares... I’ve watched her put her hands around my husbands neck out of anger... I’ve heard her talk crap about me... is it bad of me to keep my son away from her??? My husband says he understands but he said he thinks our son and his mom should have a relationship eventually but I just don’t trust her. 😭😭😭 if you’ve read this far thank you. I don’t even know if what I said makes sense but it feels good to get it all off my chest. I love my husband but his family is going to drive me insane. (My family isn’t any better, just so we’re clear 😂😂😂)