Birth story


I am currently 10 days postpartum. So at 34 weeks I went for a check up and the doctor said to get my butt to a hospital because I was 4cm dilated already, so I did just that and they got me on magnesium to stop preterm labor, let me tell you what hell that was I was so hot and sweating I’ve never felt so awful in all my life plus contractions came and hurt like absolute hell I was crying and being the biggest baby about the entire experience. I was told I was going to stay in the hospital until I gave birth so I was admitted into antipartum for a whole week, the only change was my dilation was now at a 6 and they were hesitant to send me home because if my water broke it was on. So after a week I was sent home with a prescription for procardia. Anyway, I’m on bed rest at home thinking every pain is labor and hesitant to go to the hospital, go to my doctor at exactly 38 weeks( yes I lasted 4 weeks 6 cm dilated) and doctor says okay we are going to induce you Sunday. I’m like hell yeah thank goodness. Sunday comes and I get my pictocin, nothing for like 4 hours, then I start feeling some god awful contractions and I’m like uh this sucks can I have an epidural, so the anesthesiologist comes in and does his work (not fun at all I was holding my nurse so tight she felt my pain) and then a doctor came in to break my water and they were like hey if you feel pressure let us know and I was like okay, so literally ten minutes later I was like omg I feel SOME pressure is this it? Idk I can barely feel shit? So I called the nurse anyway and was like hey I think I’m feeling that pressure y’all were talking about and she checked my cervix and was like yep your at a ten let’s start pushing and my doctor walked right in and in 3 pushes my baby girl was born :) unfortunately she had some rapid breathing and was in the nicu for about a week so they could monitor her due to a Brady event she had. Been home for 3 days and she is absolutely perfect :)