Differences in #1 and #2


I’m curious about the differences in your first and subsequent pregnancies and recoveries.

My first pregnancy had no complications, I gained 30 lbs. Delivered 39+3 after going into labor naturally, labor was 14.5 hours from 1 cm to holding a baby. I had an epi, pushed for 25 minutes and she was born 6 lbs 3 oz. I had to get stitches. I bled for 6 weeks (heavily for at least 3 of those weeks) and then my period started at 8 weeks pp despite breastfeeding for over a year. I did suffer from antepartum depression during pregnancy.

My second pregnancy has no complications but a lot more discomfort, I gained 19 lbs. Delivered at 39+6 after going into labor naturally. Labor was about 10 hours with the last 2.5 hours I went from 3 cm to holding a baby. No epi (happened too fast), 3 pushes and no tearing. She was born 7 lbs 5 oz. The bleeding slowed down before we even left the hospital and now at 17 days pp I’m only wearing a panty liner with some yellow blood stuff. I had antepartum depression during this pregnancy too.

What were your differences? I’m wondering if everything is just easier the second+ time around or if it’s because I went natural this time. Thanks!