Update: 27 weeks Preemie, now 36 weeks GA

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

He has 'grown out of' the CPAP by the hospital standards. At 36 weeks GA (gestational age) if a baby is still on CPAP they do a room air trial to prove to insurance he needs the extra help of cannulas. He only lasted 15 minutes before needing oxygen. He was switched to a nasal cannula. At first he was on a low flow but had a pretty bad Brady spell (heart rate dropped) He is now on a high flow cannula. Highest is a 2.0, the lowest is a .3, he has to be on .5 to go home. The nurse said because he is still needing a high flow at 36 weeks, and from her experience it can take up to 2 weeks for a baby in his situation to wean down by a half. Like from 2.0 to a 1.5. If he has more Brady spells, he may go back to CPAP. Which will set us back.

He seems to really be struggling even with high flow. His oxygen is from 30-40% (room air is 21%) I'm noticing he looks like he's struggling to take breaths. Not enough for me to be very concerned but enough that it's noticable he's having a hard time. Now because it can take so long for him to wean down to going home standards, he may be here past his due date. October 18th. but as long as he stays on cannulas and doesn't have to go back to CPAP, it should be in October at least..