In laws

Okay so I honestly dont know where to begin. So if I dont make too much sense I apologize but I need to hear what yall have to say on this. I'm so thankful to have this community, thanks ahead of time!

Well I guess I'll start with me and my husband are on vacation with his whole family in south Carolina. I'm close with his mom mostly and everyone else it's just good you know. Anyways, a week with people you normally see once a month will put a toll on anyone, at least that's what I told myself.

First thing that happen. (Side note, all the parents had their own condo and all the "kids" have their own) anyways, my birthday was one of the days we were there, so cool right? I'm an occasional smoker, I bring enough bud to last me the week so I can enjoy the most of it. Well, my husband uncle walks in to the condo to see a bong on the table (which wasnt even mine lol, it was his step daughters and her boyfriend's which are 15) so I cover for them and say its mine whatever. They thank me, alls good I thought. Well he tells his wife and she goes and tells my mother in law, "you need to go talk to (me) about bring weed on this trip. I could get her in trouble. And I'm gonna talk her daughter into doing it with me. I'm gonna ruin her. And I'm ruining the whole family vacation and she needs to tell me to leave"

Later my mother in law comes to the condo to talk to her eldest son (who also smokes) who's bong was that and such and her told her that I just tried doing the right thing so the 15 year olds didnt get in trouble and that it was their's and they also brought weed. So she goes back and tells her sister to fuck off and needs to get her story straight and to keep my name out of her mouth. So that was fun.

Next thing that happens, it's the last day were in sc, so we go to the beach as a family. And my mother in law sits me, my husband, and his three brothers down and tells us that her husband lost his job... well we were all speechless. She starts saying well if he doesnt get a job in a month they're going to have to sell all the extra vehicles and might even have to file bankruptcy... great vacation right..

So were all on our way home and we decide to stay the night in Tennessee. So we go our separate was and eventually meet back up. And my mother in law pulls all of us aside and says that his job moved here to Tennessee and that he was offered the job here.. well I called bull because they said that they were gonna move to lousiana 3 years ago and that never happened. My father in law gets a call and he got a job for the same amount of pay back home in Illinois. So we were all happy and relieved. I thought everything was okay... I was wrong.

Flash forward two weeks. We're home.

Now I'm gonna tell you a little about me and my husband. Weve been together for 6 years, highschool sweethearts. Weve been married for 3 months, we just purchased our forever home two months ago. Were ttc. We both have kick butt jobs. Were happy. Lifes good. Well today something happened which is the reason I'm here spilling my guts out to you guys. My husbands dad calls him and he leaves the room. When he comes back he says we need to talk. My heart sinks... his dad called him to let him know that he and his mom are going to look at a house with 100 acres of land in Tennessee.. then I ask well what about his two younger brothers.. he says, "honey, if my mom and dad move everyone's going.. both of my younger brothers. My older brother and his fiance, he always wanted to live there. My uncle and his kid. And my grandma and grandpa." Everyone were so close with. Then I say " does that mean us too... what are we gonna do build our own little cul de sac?" Hes like well ya..

So now I'm in bed next to my love of my life. Thinking to myself I cant leave my family. My grandma just got a tumor removed. I'm the only kid my mom and dad have that hasn't moved away. I've never thought leaving my whole world would ever be an option. To start over. And build a new life somewhere 8 hours away from my family just to follow my husband's.. guys I want to be supportive but I just dont know..

So if you made it through all my rambling, thank you. And if you drop some advice below, thank you. And if you send a prayer my way, thank you. Just thank you all. Sleep will soon save me from this exhausting day. Till next time. Peace out ✌