Nicotine withdrawals?


Please no rude comments please.

I haven’t had a cigarette since Monday morning! (9-17-18) I know it hasn’t been that long yet but I really don’t want to smoke any more. I know that you can go through nicotine withdrawals & I was a heavy smoker for 6 years. I really haven’t had a craving for it, but I have felt the dizziness, I’ve been irritable & I feel tired & find myself angry at times for nothing & my anxiety is on 100. (I’m not pregnant just got off period, I’ve been asked lol) I’ve read a few things that say you will physically crave a cigarette or you’ll want one real bad, that’s the worst part. but I don’t have that.. it was like the main thing I read. Could I still be having nicotine withdrawals even though I don’t have a craving for a cigarette? How long does all this last?