Im a useless wife

Im a sahm, i dont have my license yet either. But right now, we are financially struggling, because my husband is paying for his debts, and we want to make the house look better before selling it. We also have to buy both baby needs, fix car problems. Its really draining and stressing my husband out. I feel horrible that im not able to help because i dont have my license. If i were to work, he will have to take me back and forth, along w the kids. It will be a hassle for him. He wont have that much sleep. If he were to work 2 jobs, it will be hard too, cauae then he will have to go grocery shopping after work. Gosh... What am i to do? We cant afford driving school, my husband doesnt really have the patience to teach me how to drive, my family lives an hr drive away. I feel so terrible.