What am I doing wrong?!? 😫😭

A guy I went to HS with is on vacation in Europe right now and I’m super envious of all the pictures he’s posting. I’m pretty sure this is his third or fourth trip out of the US just this YEAR! Idk what he does for a living but I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. I know comparison is the thief of joy but how do I get in a position to go explore?!? I have a poor-paying job (but it’s steady and the heathcare benefits “make up the difference” for if I left to go somewhere paying more) and I don’t spend my money on anything fun or useless. It’s just bills, bills, bills. The idea of putting a big vacation on a credit card and paying double the price after all the interest sounds horrible to me! Or is that it.. all these people vacationing have massive debt and poor credit utilization ratios!?? I don’t get it, help 😖