please help me! I need guidance

Isabel • Anything can happen

I've been breastfeeding my baby for a month 2 weeks, at week 3 I started supplementing with 2 oz of formula at night so I could get some rest, then i started giving it to her at bedtime, she would wake up around 3-4am and breastfeed until around 12pm I'd give her another bottle because I'm not able to bf her cause I have to drop off my daughter at school.. anyway now I give her a 2oz bottle 2 x per day and I want to stop so what should I do?? should I just stop offering the formula all together and just offer my breast even if she fusses cause there isnt enough??? If I pump should I store that milk or bottle feed it immediately since I dont getmilk immediately after I pump or vise me I'm confused as to what I should do. I need guidance I need help!!!! can someone tell me exactly what I should do???!!!!!

Also I dont feel like she gets full off my breastmilk I have to constantly put her on my boob...I dont mind it at all I just wonder if my milk is filling or has enough fat/calories to keep her full and content

is it possible she just wants to nibble on my breast?? idk🤔 I have so many questions that when I'm at the docs office I tend to forget completely!

Please I'd highly appreciate any positive feedback and advice in general as to whati should eat aswell...I DOTAKE FENUGREEK AND EAT OATMEAL 2-3X A DAY AND IDO NOTICE MILK INCREASE BUT WHEN I MISS A PILL/OATMEAL I NOTICE DECLINE...IS THAT NORM? am I doing something wrong??!